Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Sunday, 22 January 2017
#Madonna #Scarlett johansson stand against #Donald Trump Polices
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Donald Trump First Time Listen #Quran after becoming President
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I am Muslim ♡ Peace is My religon
I am a Muslim and Peace is my Religon i bring Peace i Spread Peace i love Peace i want Peace but i am confuse why you dont think about that i am confuse why you beleave on Media not on me i am Muslim i want to see you Happy and Blessed but i am confuse why you dont think about i am a Muslim i want to say you Asalsmoalikum . But i am confuse why you dont beleave on me i am a Muslim and i Learn even in war happen my religon my #Prophet not allow me to even cut a Tree or to kill anyone my i learn from my religon that even if i give you a smile i get rewards cuz i do good but i am confuse why you dont Beleave on me i am a Muslim and i learn from my religon even if i kill an a person i just kill the whole Humanity but i am confuse why you dont beleave on me i am a Muslim and i learn from my religon to protect everyone no matter he is Muslim no metter where he is from my duity is protect him from Danger but i am confuse why you dont beleave on me i am a Muslim and i learn from religon that i need to be equal with everyone all humans kind is equal but why you dont beleave on me i am Muslim and i am Confuse ? If you have answer about my confusion replied with a comment
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Saturday, 21 January 2017
Friday, 20 January 2017
Turkey a Haven on World
1- Alacati
2-Blue Lagoon
3-The Library of Celsus
4-Sultan Ahmet Mosque & Hagia sophia
5-Pamukkale Denizli
6- Castle of st Peter
7-Safrnbolu Houses
8-Mount Nemrut
9-Sumela Monastery
10 - Troy
whenever you travel there these are amazing #Places go and enjoy the Natural beauti of World who just makes your mind peacefull your charachter a cool stay with H O P News
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Thursday, 19 January 2017
Google Change my Life :)
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lindsay Lohan just know what is Islam do you ?
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Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Amir Khan #Sex Tape Leaked on Porn Site
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#Most Talented Child of Pakistan
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Monday, 16 January 2017
Inside Pakistan
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#CEPEC this is actuall CPEC Watch it !
Listen Mr Muhammad ali khan he is giving full breifing on CEPEC after watching this vedio you also knows that why India wants to Dusturb CEPEC and what he is now going to lose
Make Sure to hit the subscribe button after wataching this amazing information
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Be a Pakistani #Time to make a change
its time to become a Pakistani a Pakistani who can do anything a Pakistani who achive anything a Pakistani who can find anything it time to become a #Pakistani
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Hamza Ali Abbasi stand with #Kashmir are You ?
Are Kashmir Not Human ?
how they can do that and the amazing thing is that entire world is on rest they are not taking #Kashmir issue serious i mean by Org humans Organization and where is UN are you sleeping.everywhere innocent Muslims were killed by Animals they are not a Humans they are Animals and no one rise rise voice against all this please spread this message as you can and be a part of Voice
#Turkey Now
to all my brothers friends especially who are reading my blog now i just types in every new Artical that i am not much professional bloggers like others but all those words which are typed by me is just belong to own opinion . So today we are talking about Turkey a Loving country and amazing Place as myself I Considers there is no place in entire world like Turkey i mean by its culture its History its people amazing i am word less but as you all seen these day in news there is many things happening there in Turkey after War of killing Innocent people in Syria Aleppo etc Turkey is only Country who rise voice against all those humanity killer and warn all of them so after that the thing start happening in Turkey that is a blast on Airport etc the reason of blast is to destroy the #Tourism i think tourism is most economically strong thing of Turkey and they want to defeat it . oki . let me give you all example think about Pakistan . Pakistan is a peaceful country and most beautiful but after the war in Afghanistan the refugees are enter in Pakistan and whole game start i mean blast kidnapping murder and much more on that now all is well . but i am telling about that time so Tourism is just destroyed peoples are afraid to come Pakistan cuz they got scared and slowly slowly the economically Pakistan start losing their values in International markets our money value is down a lots of crises just happen but people of Pakistan face all strongly and now on the same way they want to destroy the Turkey like when i say They its mean a specific countries so now the Airport blast shooting case Russia ambassador killing and much more so now we need to wait and let now how the Turkish Government faces all these problem and stable everything again guys but we all with turkey Turkey is just amazing they are are a logical and educated peoples they can handle it i am sure
so thanks to all of you reading my this pair of words
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Saturday, 14 January 2017
#Pakistani Media Vs Indian Media
Good Morning to all #Friends who give some time to my Blogs a Blogs who have no sence especially #lol but today i have an a funny Topic MediaVsMedia yeah indian Vs Pakistani today i was just a watching a News Channel of Indian Media with name of Zee News i think they are disscussing some issue about #Kashmir and watching this zee chaneel i fully understand why Mostly indian people have no sence The reason is that the media of India the people of india are actually prisoners and their minds are Hijacked totaly so they never come on debate about peace i am sure about Pakisrani peoples they are soft heart beleave me if you would like to make a friendshup with Pakistani Guy they are not going to broke it because Pakistani have sence they feel everything thats the reason they are still strong Nation ever on Earth because our media is littly undercontrol especially our News Channel they show a actuall story they never spread Hate or anything but Indian media i have no words to explain them they are unbeleaveable to show everything wrong everything everything . And surprizing thing is that indian knows everything about their media i mean that they are showing wrong but they still beleave on it i am sorry i about indian so my brothers open your eyes see what they are showing and dont be foolish dont beleave on everything beleave on reality Pakistan is a Peace full country and peacefull people with peacefull mind so keep reading my uncomplete Blogs and laughf
Have a a nice day
And sorry about some spell mistake :
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A Beggar

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Friday, 13 January 2017
A #Molvi in Islam
A Molvi a person in Islam who is #Imam #a religious Person But now in our Society There is a Lot of name for this #Respected Personality a Popular Name that mostly used by Our So called #Pakistani and those who just live aboard is a #Molalisim aww i know its sound understandable but i am here to to express this word and the Theory Behind it for all of you .
A #Molvi is a Person in Islam who called for Prayes live in Mosque every time and full time Religious Person . The Reason why i write this Blog about molvi is that the most American Muslim and in all around the world i say they think Molvi is a guy who just makes a Parts of Islam who makes hates between the people who makes part in Islamic Community by their speeches and a lot more thinking are surrounding . and he do all this just Because for His #Halwa i think if Pakistani is reading my blog he knows the meaning of it for others #Halwa is a Sweet in Pakistan that likes much by our #Imam's mean #Molvi Sahibs so this is the thinking of peoples for our #Imams . so Now let me ask a Question to all those personality in Muslim World
one day you wake up
and There is no anymore a #Molvi in Our Society then imagine the life Style of yourself ?
you Go for Namaz there is no imam there For Namaz
you go for Jinaazah There is no molvi for to pray Namaze Jinaza (pray after Death)
you wake up early morning and there is no Molivi anymore to Read The Quran
you wake up and there is no molivi for to give #Dawwah
so Guys understand and feel the need of #Molvi in Scociety and in End one thing very imortant i know you all maybe think at the moment that peopels just say wrong to those molvi who makes a parts of Islam and spread Hates but Listen if those Molvi not do all these Speeches etc then you never read about Islam those molvi force your mind to think about Islam so #Respect Everyone And be kind with everyone
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Monday, 9 January 2017
Pakistan New Airline #serene air
Pakistani Government just start a New Air-Line in Pakistan by the name of Serene Air and this start working in different areas . every and each i think so Pakistani have a Question to So called Pakistan Government that is the all incident Happen Few Days ago are just a #Drama to Takes PIA small popularity down and gives The PIA Place to this new New Air Line #Serene Air . now let see is this Airline working properly or handled by all those corrupted PIA management so we need to wait and let see what happen because this Air Line is from taxes of a Pakistani not from #Nawaz Sharif pocket and from some sources we also get the information that maybe this Airline is the part of CEPEC and chines management takes control but we are not pretty sure about that .
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Sunday, 8 January 2017
A Life With H O P
i am proud to be part of H O P
life just become happier and happier. with H O P
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